China crisis resolved?


In recent weeks there has been a certain amount of murmuring within the paddock regarding the forthcoming inaugural China Grand Prix.

Basically the Chinese government has been refusing to grant visas to people travelling to Shanghai until one week before the race. One can imagine the sort of chaos this would cause for team personnel, VIPs, journalists and photographers. Without the requisite visa, it would be impossible - if not pointless - booking flights or indeed hotels. Result, mayhem.

Ahead of the Belgian GP, such was the concern at the situation, TV companies and newspapers had talked of missing the event, leading to speculation that it could be cancelled.

Pitpass can now report that the scare is over and that high level talks have led to the Chinese authorities putting the original proposals back in place, meaning that all the relevant visas will be granted in plenty of time for next month's historic event.

Common sense rules, scare (hopefully) over.

Article from Pitpass (

Published: 31/08/2004
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