Extra practice sessions at Estoril


There will be two additional forty-minute practice sessions at Estoril next weekend ahead of the first scheduled free practice session on Friday.

The reason for the extra sessions is in order to give some extra time to the five teams that entered A1 at the very last moment, and thereby missed the Paul Ricard test, and also to allow teams to run the chassis and engines that have not yet run.

All 25 teams will run in the extra sessions.

18 of the teams now have their second cars, the remaining 7 will have their cars shipped to Estoril (unpainted), where they will then be forwarded with the rest of the A1 'package' on to Australia, where they will be prepared for the Eastern Creek race on November 4-6.

Next Friday's sessions will take place at 09:30 and 10:50.

Article from Pitpass (http://www.pitpass.com):

Published: 14/10/2005
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