Midland 'evaluating' Super Aguri situation


As Midland F1 Racing appears to be 'singled out' as the main stumbling block to Super Aguri's entry in the 2006 Formula One World Championship - other than an apparent lack of a suitable chassis - Pitpass asked the Silverstone-based outfit for its response.

A spokesperson for the team said: "MF1 Racing and, to our knowledge, at least two other teams are still evaluating the situation."

Assuming that Toyota is one of the "other teams", after all, the Japanese giant, which supplies engines to MF1, is Honda's (engine supplier to Super Aguri) biggest rival, one has to wonder at the identity of the 'third team'.

So who is Toyota supplying engines to in 2007, and there a link?

Article from Pitpass (http://www.pitpass.com):

Published: 15/12/2005
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