Alonso quickest as Toyota stumbles


Ahead of today's sole free practice session the air temperature is 23 degrees C, while the track temperature is 30 degrees. Once again, the sun is shining.

The big surprise on Thursday, which, looking back, seems so long ago, was Juan Pablo Montoya, while the biggest disappointment, certainly in the second session, was Michael Schumacher.

With just the one-hour of practice this morning, ahead of what should be a lively qualifying session, we should have a much better idea of who's hot and who's not in just over an hour. Thursday was about set-ups and tyre evaluations, today, the real work begins.

One headline that amused us yesterday appeared to indicate that Kimi Raikkonen was in hot water, or at least someone was. On Thursday, having suffered an electrics fire which caused his car to grind to a halt, preventing him setting a time, the Finn was unhappy when the marshals manhandled his car, pushing it off track. He later criticised them. However, according to one website, Kimi decided to mete out his own, somewhat harsh, punishment. 'Raikkonen scalds marshals' proclaimed the headline.

When the lights go green, first out is Liuzzi, followed by Montagny, Sato, Monteiro, Albers and Fisichella. Having completed an installation lap all six return to the pits.

A couple of minutes later Jacques Villeneuve takes to the track, unlike his predecessors he stays out. That said, following Robert Kubica's accident in the second session on Thursday, neither of BMW's race drivers did any further laps, therefore Jacques and Nick have some work to catch up on.

The Canadian posts the first time of the day, crossing the line at 1:20.950. Next time around he gets it down to 1:19.341. Trulli is on track, as are Montagny and Monteiro. The Portuguese was particularly impressive on Thursday.

Ralf Schumacher and former teammate Juan Pablo Montoya come out to play, as Jacques lowers the benchmark with a 1:18.821. Trulli goes second (21.543) ahead of Montagny.

Massa, Barrichello and speed are on track, as is Raikkonen. It's getting busy, with 13 cars now lapping the tight twisty streets of the Principality.

As Montoya goes second (19.589), Michael Schumacher, still wearing those awful rhubarb and custard overalls, leaves the pits.

Massa goes second (18.538), ahead of Montoya, Trulli, Ralf and Montagny, as Alonso is strapped into his Renault.

On his first flying lap Michael goes quickest with a 1:17.505, as Monteiro goes third (18.259). Clearly someone has forgotten to tell the Portuguese youngster that he's driving a Midland.

For a fleeting moment Kimi goes quickest, but he is almost instantly deposed by Massa, who posts a 1:17.153. Next time around however, the Finn reclaims the top spot with a 1:17.048. Then Massa goes quicker still, crossing the line at 1:16.818.

Michael goes quickest in the first sector, as Villeneuve posts 17.487 to go fourth. Elsewhere, Montoya posts 1:16.915 to go second.

Write off Michael at your peril, the German posts 1:16.502 to take the top spot, ahead of Massa, Montoya, Raikkonen, Villeneuve and Monteiro. Barrichello is seventh, ahead of Speed, Button and Liuzzi.

Alonso leaves the pits, joined by Fisichella, Rosberg and Coulthard.

Button improve to sixth (17.365), as Alonso goes quickest in the first sector. The Spaniard is quickest in the final sector also, crossing the line at 1:16.397 to take top spot.

Coulthard goes seventh (17.422), ahead of Villeneuve, Heidfeld, Monteiro, Barrichello, Fisichella and Webber. With thirty-three minutes remaining, everyone has posted a time.

Alonso goes quickest in the first sector, as Rosberg goes quickest in the second. The Spaniard fails to improve, while the German goes second with a 1:16.470.

Most worrying so far is the performance of the Toyotas, which are both over 1.4s off the pace, despite having completed the most laps.

No such worries for Massa who goes quickest with a 1:16.263. The top twelve is covered by just 0.984s, and Monteiro is in that speedy dozen.

Michael goes quickest in the first sector, and again in the second. The German finally crosses the line at 1:14.376, that's 1.887s quicker than anything else we've seen today.

Giancarlo Fisichella goes second, but remains 1.797s off Schumacher's benchmark.

With twenty-five minutes remaining, it's: Michael, Fisichella, Massa, Alonso, Villeneuve, Rosberg, Webber, Barrichello, Montoya and Coulthard.

Kimi Raikkonen takes second spot with a 1:15.180, that's 0.804s off Michael's best time. Meanwhile, Klien goes third with a 1:15.495, as Montoya goes quickest in the first sector. The Colombian loses ground in the second sector but crosses the line at 1:14.785 to go second.

Michael goes quickest in the first sector, and again in the second, this is a hot lap. The German crosses the line at 1:14.031, as Coulthard slots into second with a 1:14.550. Where did that come from? The Scot loves this track, and has won here a couple of times.

As Webber goes fourth, Alonso goes quickest in the first sector, this is turning into a really great session. The Spaniard loses a little ground in the second sector but is still very, very quick. He crosses the line at 1:13.823 to take the top spot. That lap was 2s quicker than anything we saw on Thursday.

Fisichella goes third with a 1:14.056, which gives Renault a 1-3, with Michael's Ferrari sandwiched in between. Coulthard is fourth, ahead of Rosberg, Montoya, Webber, Raikkonen, Klien and Massa.

With thirteen minutes remaining there just seven cars on track. One of those seven is Massa, who remains down in tenth. He continues lapping but is (seemingly) unable to improve.

Meanwhile, the Toyotas are in twentieth and twenty-first positions, or at least they were until Franck Montagny posted a 1:17.639 to go quicker. That said, their Japanese rivals, Honda, are also well off the pace, in sixteenth and eighteenth positions.

With seven minutes remaining, Button is on track, as is his teammate. They are both over 3s off the pace, and that isn't good at this stage in the proceedings.

Montagny 'blots his copybook' brushing the barriers at Portier.

Button and Barrichello are both quick in the first sector, posting personal bests. The Englishman finally crosses the line eighth (15.020), while his teammate takes tenth (15.283).

Michael is back on track, as are both McLaren drivers and a whole host of others.

Kimi sets personal bests in the first and final sectors but is unable to improve, it's just a little too busy out there. That said, Massa goes eight with a 1:14.842. Elsewhere, Trulli 'improves' to nineteenth.

As the chequered flag comes out, Alonso goes quickest in the first sector. However, the Spaniard fails to maintain the pace, perhaps he was simply proving a point.

The cars take there places on the 'grid' and practice starts, an occurrence unique to Monaco.

The session ends with Alonso quickest, ahead of Michael, Fisichella, Coulthard, Rosberg, Montoya, Webber, Massa, Button and Raikkonen. Barrichello is eleventh, ahead of Klien, Heidfeld, Monteiro, Albers, Liuzzi, Speed, Villeneuve, Trulli, Sato, Ralf and Montagny.

The big question, based on this morning's times, isn't who's going to take pole, but will the Super Aguris out-qualify the Toyotas, and could Monteiro make it into the top ten?

We'll know in a couple of hours.

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Published: 27/05/2006
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