Hill gives support to Mosley's 'green vision'


In a statement issued to day, BRDC President Damon Hill has given his support to Max Mosley's plans for a 'greener', more fuel efficient, F1.

"As President of the BRDC, I applaud and welcome the FIA President's comments regarding Formula One's role in society, particularly those points pertinent to energy conservation. Motorsport inevitably has a symbiotic relationship with the motor car and other related industries. Formula One particularly provides a vast communication platform for those companies, and can therefore play a very significant part in showing their commitment to the most pressing concerns of civilisation; namely energy conservation.

"The BRDC has been a champion of the sport of the motor car almost since its beginnings, and would very much like to become involved in the debate and press for a sustainable future, and for a sport which addresses all socially relevant messages. I believe that many members of the BRDC would be as excited to be involved in
resolving the technical challenges that this new approach would inevitably create, as they have been to pursue the traditional race to go ever faster.

"I would like to echo a phrase often used by the FIA President; 'It cannot be beyond the wit of man', as I also believe."

Article from Pitpass (http://www.pitpass.com):

Published: 10/06/2006
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