Flamboyant Renault boss, Flavio Briatore, has revealed that he recently underwent surgery in Rome to remove cancer in one of his kidneys.
"I had cancer in my left kidney," he admitted to Corriere della Sera, "six months from now my life would have been very different had I not gone for that check-up.
The Italian reveals that the cancer was first spotted during a routine medical examination in the United States earlier this year. "I used to believe I was immortal," he admits, "but I found out that I am just like everybody else."
Briatore, a heavy smoker, but who gave up the habit several years ago, admitted: "When I was first told about the cancer, I accepted the verdict, what else could I do?
"As I convalesced I came to realize that at least 15 percent of my existence is superfluous. From now on, I intend dedicating a little more time to me, and to those who need me."
Pitpass wishes Mr Briatore, one of the true characters in the F1 pitlane, the very best... the sport needs him, even if we don't always agree with him.