At a time when F1 - like so many others - is wringing its hands in anguish at the fate that awaits our planet - and thereby us and our descendants - should we fail to heed the warnings, might we dare raise a somewhat minor point.
Has anyone done any sort of research into precisely how much energy would be required to produce the power to sufficiently light a Grand Prix track in Melbourne, Singapore or anywhere else for night racing?
Australian Grand Prix boss Ron Walker casually admits: "There are problems with the power grid in Albert Park. It will take a massive amount of kilowatts to light up the track for the drivers, plus there are also environmental issues."
Too bloody right!
And at a time when F1 is attempting to convince the world of its concern at 'green issues' it seems mighty ludicrous to be talking of using a "massive amount of kilowatts" simply in order that those within the sport can have their cake and eat it.