Istanbul - Race 1 Quotes


Lucas di Grassi (ART Grand Prix) 1st - I think the race win came in the right moment. Its awesome to get the championship lead by winning the race, also a feature race, a Saturday race which is long. When you pit in the beginning the race feels very long. The car felt really good and I could manage to keep a good gap from Adam and Giorgio and I am very happy, very satisfied with the win.

Giorgio Pantano (Campos Grand Prix) 2nd - I was just respecting Adam because he is my friend, otherwise I would try to overtake him in some not good place. But he was quick until ten or 12 laps to the end and I was allowed to stay close to him to overtake at the end of the straight. I think from the beginning of the championship we have shown what we can do but were just unlucky, shall we say.

Adam Carroll (FMS International) 3rd - Well, we got another podium and some more points today, which is great! It was a really good race, although it was tough because it was so hot. I had a good go to keep second and a good fight with Giorgio, but there was nothing I could do. Timo came up really quickly towards the end and I just did everything I could - I was flat out. We had a bit of understeer and my front right tyre was completely finished so I'm happy that we finished on the podium.

Kazuki Nakajima (DAMS) 6th - today, my race was not too bad! I really do a poor start and lost some positions. The first lap was very difficult and the fight quite intense. When the safety car came on the track, on lap 2, many cars went on the pit. At this moment, the team did a fantastic job which helped me to gain places. I finished on the 6th position which is quite good after my poor start but I'm frustrated in being unable to find a way past Garcia. Tomorrow, I will start on the 3rd position so I hope to score the win.

Bruno Senna (Arden International) 10th - It's been an encouraging day because we actually had a good pace throughout the race. The changes we made from qualifying to the race were the right way forward and the car was working well. I had a pretty good first lap, apart from the spin on the dirt, so now I have to look forward to tomorrow. There are still some little things to do to the car so I'm pretty confident for tomorrow's race. It's a shame I made the mistake on the first lap because we could have been in the top eight, but at least we were in the top ten again and that is what matters. We are going in the right direction.

Javier Villa (Racing Engineering) 12th - I had a good start and was able to take advantage of some incidents during the opening laps and also during the safety car period. Like many others I went in for my pit stop under the safety car, but lost some positions during the pit stop. I was behind some slower drivers and when I tried to overtake, I went a bit too wide on the outside and spun. From that moment on I was just recovering positions. My car was a lot towards the end of the race than it had been at the beginning as I was lacking track time to set it up on Friday. During the race I changed some things and now we have the information needed to really push in tomorrow's sprint race.

Marcos Martinez (Racing Engineering) 13th - This was actually a race to just get experience in this car as I don't yet know how the car reacts and changes its performance during thelong race. However I have been able to get into a good and consistent rhythm and was able to finish in 13th position. I think this is a good place to start from tomorrow.

Jason Tahinci (FMS International) 14th - I don't know when the engine problems started really. People were catching me on the straights at the start, but not so much that I lost any positions. Then a few laps after the safety car I had a problem with the revs from third gear up. On every straight I could see people getting right up behind me and I was losing so much time, even though I was pushing so hard. I had the pace at the start and after that I was trying to defend, but people were passing me left, right and centre. So then I just concentrated on finishing the race in as best place I could. The result today isn't what I deserved, but at least I finished and I had a good pace. Hopefully they'll sort the problem by tomorrow and we can have a good race.

Nicolas Lapierre (DAMS) 15th - I'm not familiar with so hot conditions. I missed my start and then spent the race in the traffic. I gained some places but not enough to have any chance to get back in the top 8. We changed our strategy to battle for the best lap. I pushed hard and finally managed a last fastest lap. It will be one more time a difficult Sunday race as I will start from today's position, but I will do my best to score some points!

Ricardo Risatti (Trident Racing) 16th - I really had fun when - thanks to our aggressive strategy - I found myself fighting for the top spots. I'm happy with the progression of my laptimes and glad I made it to the end. Unfortunately, I committed a mistake that cost me several positions: I hit the engine shut button in error, and it took some time to get it working again. Tomorrow's race will add some extra experience under my belt, and that'll be very useful in the future.

Kohei Hirate (Trident Racing) DNF - Today's race stared in a very good way; I was able to climb two positions at the start. I made a mistake during the pit-stop, but once back on-track I battled my way back to the top-10. Unfortunately, at that point I started experiencing troubles with the 5th gear, and even a slowdown could do nothing to prevent an unavoidable failure. Among the positive notes of the day, the great set-up found with the team: the car was fast and very driveable.

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Published: 25/08/2007
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