Team Australia pays tribute to Victoria fire victims


A1 Team Australia is to pay tribute to the victims of the recent Victoria bushfires this weekend by means of a special tribute message on its cars.

Announcing the move, Alan Jones, A1 Team Australia seatholder, said: "This week the team discussed the enormity of the Victorian bushfires and their impact on many of our Australians living in Victoria, and those with family, friends and workmates who could not get to help or were away when all of this was happening two weekends ago.

"You certainly feel the pain when you look at the news each day, and hear the stories that have come back to you in so many ways. This is the least we can do at the moment to let everyone know we are thinking of them at this time, and sincerely hope this never happens to anyone again.

"The CFA are the best in a crisis of this magnitude and it was obvious to see how the generations of 'the good Aussie spirit' came forward when others were at risk losing their own possessions and more important at the time, their own life.

"Our A1GP Race Car will carry this message on the front of our car all weekend. We would like to thank Michele from Evolution Signs for coming here to fit the artwork onto the car and be with the team at this time.

Our team members who share this tribute are: Adam Gotch, Patrick Wedes, Alan Docking, John Martin, Ash Walsh, Rob Arnott, Greg Martin, Ash Edwards, Roy Hingston, Ian Latter, Andrew Byrne, Julain Greenhalgh, Cheyne Bromfield, Andrew Moulden and I as well as our own families, friends and everyone in A1GP from around the globe who had heard of the tragedy and support us all at this time."

Our picture shows John Martin and Ash Walsh of A1 Team Australia.

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Published: 20/02/2009
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