Barcelona Test Notes 09-04 - Racing Engineering


Racing Engineering wrapped up the last day of pre-season testing in Barcelona with an excellent show of authority. Just a month ahead of the start of the 2010 GP2 season at the Spanish track. Both Racing Engineering drivers convinced with their consistent performance. German newcomer Christian Vietoris confirmed his ascending form during these three test days clocking the fastest time of the day, after having set the third and second fastest time the previous two days. Spaniard Dani Clos had a fruitful day of work to set the third fastest time of the day at his home track.

In the morning, Racing Engineering's Christian Vietoris worked on qualifying simulation, being consistently fast and increasingly confident with his car. The German rookie did a total of 31 laps, setting the time of reference for the session by recording a 1:27.284. In the afternoon, Christian completed a satisfying session of race simulations, managing 48 laps in total and thus completing the test program before the season starts. Dani Clos had a similar work plan for today, and had two trouble free sessions. In the morning, the Spanish driver clocked the third fastest time, with a total of thirty laps, less than three and a half tenths over his teammate. During the afternoon, Dani also worked on race simulations, setting a total of 44 laps. As all drivers focused on race preparation in the afternoon, the lap times set in the morning session were quicker. Therefore, the Racing Engineering drivers have completed the last test of the 2010 pre-season underlining the good performance shown already in Paul Ricard, finishing in an overall P3 for Dani Clos, and a P1 for Christian Vietoris, with the German driver enjoying an astonishing rising form during these three days.

Racing Engineering and the rest of the GP2 teams and drivers will meet again in Barcelona in a month, when the first round of the 2010 GP2 Championship takes place together with the first European round of the 2010 Formula 1 Championship.

Christian Vietoris: "This was a good test day, but generally all those last three days were positive for me and the team. It was good today to take advantage of the new set of tyres, which allowed me to improve quite a bit, and do a satisfying qualifying as well as race simulation. I am happy the testing program is over now and are really looking forward to the races to come."

Dani Clos: "We had three good test days, which were positive in many different aspects. We were able to verify some points, which are affecting the car in a positive way. We also did some qualifying and race runs today and the car is good. We still need to improve it a bit, but I think we can expect good things to happen."

Alfonso de Orleans-Borbon, President of Racing Engineering: "I am very happy with the work done this week. I think everyone knew what they had to do and did it at the best of their abilities - and the results show. I would like to congratulate not only our drivers, but also our engineers and mechanics for having done a great job. However, there still is a lot of work to be done before the season starts and we will be busy analyzing the data obtained during these three test days in Barcelona."

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Published: 09/04/2010
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