Russian to test Renault at Magny-Cours


Formula Renault 3.5 championship leader Mikhail Aleshin will be behind the wheel of an F1 car in two weeks time, having earned himself a test with Renault.

As a prize for leading the Formula Renault 3.5 championship at the mid-way point of the season, the Russian will test the Renault at the next World Series event at Magny Cours on 19th June. Despite a tough weekend for Carlin in the Czech Republic, Aleshin currently leads the championship by three points.

"For me it is a big privilege to be given the chance to do this run in the Renault at Magny Cours and it is great that the World Series organisers give drivers opportunities like this," said Aleshin. "I am really looking forward to getting back into an F1 car again. Having said that, my main aim is to win the championship; that is my focus. This demo run is a great bonus, but I won't be happy unless I am still leading the championship at the end of the season."

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Published: 07/06/2010
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