Alonso tells McLaren to investigate Vandoorne's car


Having described Friday as the "worst Friday" of his entire racing career, Stoffel Vandoorne admitted that Saturday wasn't much better.

Having finished at the bottom of the timesheets in both of Friday's session, the Belgian was last again in qualifying.

"The situation today was the same as at Silverstone," said the youngster. "Since we hit the ground there we were the last car by some margin, and it's turned out the same today and all weekend so far.

"It's frustrating," he continued, "as we've changed a lot of parts on the car to try and fix the problems, but we haven't yet managed to find a solution.

"I haven't forgotten how to drive," he added. "Between me and Fernando the cars are in a similar spec, but we can see some issues on the data on my side. The team has put in a lot of effort to change parts already, but it seems like we're not really moving forward much and the team is looking at various options to see what else we can do. The priority now is to find a solution for the problem we have."

"I think Stoffel is doing all he can," said Alonso. "In the last two races it seems that car has some sort of performance issue and there are some clear signs on the data that there is less downforce on that car.

"We've been changing some parts in the garage, new parts, old parts, etc. but we need to go deep into that investigation, because with both cars close to the points it's always going to be easier," added the Spaniard.

Check out our Sunday gallery from Hockenheim, here.

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Published: 22/07/2018
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