Alfa Romeo critical of how Spa situation was dealt with


Alfa Romeo - 'sister' team to Ferrari - has issued a brief statement in which it is critical of the handling of yesterday's Belgian Grand Prix.

The Italian/Swiss outfit was the only team that didn't issue a press release following yesterday's shenanigans, clearly feeling, like the rest of us, that in the wake of a 'race' that officially consisted of one lap, the thoughts of its team boss and drivers were not really worth sharing.

This morning however, the team has issued a brief statement in which it is critical of how the situation was dealt with.

It reads:

"A huge thank you to all the incredible fans that spent hours in the elements for the race to start: with your patience and determination, you are the true Drivers of the Day. For months, we have been looking forward to having the stands full of fans supporting our team and our sport: unfortunately, we weren't able to put up a show for you yesterday.

The decision not to race in these conditions was the right one, in the interest of protecting the safety of the drivers, the marshals and the spectators themselves. However, the situation would have been dealt with a lot more appropriately by not having at all the "race" we witnessed yesterday: this outcome hurts us all, but in particular it hurts fans of the sport, who didn't get the show they came to see. We hope lessons were learnt yesterday, lessons that will improve the way we operate in the future and that put the supporters of our sport in the position they deserve to be.

Once again, our genuine thanks go to all the fans - you were the ones to truly shine yesterday in Spa."

Check out our Sunday gallery from Spa, here.

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Published: 30/08/2021
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