Miami GP: Practice team notes - Red Bull


Sergio Perez: "It's been a difficult day for every driver today. I think it was a very messy session this afternoon, in total I did one medium lap and two soft laps. On the high fuel there was nothing we could do because of all the red flags and the time we lost. We are basically going blind into the race and I think most people are in the same boat as us. For qualifying we have more of an idea, but things can change very quickly with the weather around here. There isn't much grip off the racing line on this track and it feels very gravely out there too, it is a shame because I think racing will be hard due to that. Saying that, I think it is going to be an interesting race because all of us don't know exactly where we are."

Max Verstappen: "It was not a good day for us, we wanted to get out there and learn the track and get fully up to speed but things didn't go to plan. We just had some hydraulic issues, as soon as I went out I couldn't really steer and also my breaks were on fire, so there were a few problems. We don't have a huge amount of information and data for my car which could prove difficult for qualifying and the race but we will do our best. Of course, I will try to catch up tomorrow, we will work very hard as a Team to overcome the issues and hopefully we will be in a good place come qualifying tomorrow."

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Published: 07/05/2022
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