We agreed mutually, says Ocon of Alpine split


Esteban Ocon denies that the furore surrounding his clash with his teammate in Monaco had anything to do with his decision to leave Alpine.

While Monday's announcement didn't come as that much of a surprise, some felt that the clash with Pierre Gasly in Monaco, and the resultant outburst by team boss, Bruno Famin might have expedited matters.

Not so, insists Ocon.

"We've been talking with the team for several months," said the Frenchman in Montreal, where he will take a 5-place grid drop as a result of the clash.

"It's the kind of team that is not taking decisions on just a single race," he added. "We've agreed mutually to come to an end, basically at the end of the contract.

"I've spent five years inside this team five years in terms of Formula One world is a long time. Finish the collaboration on the high."

Gasly's contract also comes to an end this year, and while it was anticipated that the French outfit might clear the decks and go for an all new line-up, the Frenchman has no idea of his plans for next year.

To be honest, absolutely nothing," he said, when asked if he had any news on his 2025 berth. "I think, you know, at the minute it's quite clear the position I'm in. And yeah, for my future at the moment, I have nothing really to announce. And then, yeah, you guys will know in due time."

Asked about his relationship with Ocon - the pair having enjoyed a somewhat tempestuous relationship over the years, Gasly was equally diplomatic.

"It's been... I'm just taking time to think, because I know how you guys are going to take every single word that comes out," he told members of the media.

"It's a long story between Esteban and myself. And I think so far in the last year and a half, we managed to work and co-operate very professionally. So I think this is important to mention.

"It hasn't always been easy, as you would imagine from two very competitive drivers. But yeah, considering the story between us, I think it's been... it's been good. So, yeah, I will say I'll stick to these lines."

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Published: 07/06/2024
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