Button takes maiden pole for McLaren


Maybe it's the work carried out during the summer break. Maybe it the continuation of the 'lottery' witnessed at some of this season's previous races. Maybe it's the lack of running on Friday. Whatever, the fact is that this morning's session posed more questions than it answered.

While there is no doubting that Ferrari clearly as pace here and the F2012 is much improved, is McLaren struggling as much as it appears? Does Lotus have the edge over Red Bull? Has Mercedes taken a step backwards and lost out to Sauber and force India?

At one point the Marussias of Glock and Pic were topping the timesheets and while it was just a blip as things sorted themselves out it would appear that a raft of updates has had an affect.

Thankfully, the weather doesn't look likely to hamper proceedings this afternoon, though the after effect of yesterday's washout will no doubt play a part both this afternoon and tomorrow. In that sense, we could well see some big scalps in Q1, the Mercedes duo springing to mind.

Some believe that the second half of the season will witness a major charge from Lotus and in particular Kimi Raikkonen, while we don't doubt the ability of the Iceman or the Enstone team, we simply don't see them as troubling the likes of Ferrari, Red Bull or even McLaren in the long run. On the other hand, the Kimster is due a good result and where better than a circuit he loves and on which he has won four times.

Based on the evidence thus far, and there's not a lot of it, Ferrari and Lotus both look good here while Webber's gearbox change - and resultant penalty - rules him out from starting on pole and Vettel just doesn't seem at one with his car here. Some say McLaren was sandbagging however we just don't see it.

So, with it almost impossible to predict who will take pole, the fun is also going to be seeing which big scalps fail at the first hurdle and whether one of the minnows can pull off a surprise and make it to Q2.

Rosberg's chances are not helped when Mercedes reveals that the German has had to change his gearbox following this morning's problems, thereby incurring a five-place grid penalty.

Ahead of the start of Q1, the air temperature is 16 degrees C, while the track temperature is 28 degrees. It is bright, with a fair amount of cloud, but dry.

The lights go green and Pic leads the way, followed by Rosberg, Grosjean, di Resta, Hulkenberg, Maldonado, Senna and Glock.

Pic gets the session underway with a 53.493, however, no sooner has teammate Glock posted 53.205 than Rosberg posts 51.125 and di Resta 50.033.

No messing from Perez who goes straight to the top of the sheets with a 49.642. In the Red Bull garage Vettel drives a lap of the legendary circuit in his mind's eye.

Having posted 54.835 on his first lap, Alonso ups the ante by going quickest in S1 of his next lap. Moments later Hamilton goes second overall with a 49.803.

As Alonso posts 49.876 to go third, replays show Grosjean and Massa running wide at various points on the track.

With 9:39 on the clock, all but Vettel, Webber and Raikkonen have been out.

"I've got more understeer," complains Button. Who else?

Hamilton improves with a 49.605 but stays second. Button, currently ninth (50.231) posts 49.250 to take the top spot and make it a McLaren 1-2.

Raikkonen goes quickest in S2, crossing the line at 49.546 to go third, while Webber goes sixth (49.859) only to be demoted when Vettel posts 49.722.

The stewards announce that Hulkenberg and Maldonado - again, who else - are under investigation.

With 3:25 on the clock Schumacher is in the danger zone with the usual suspects with Rosberg, Vergne, Massa, Ricciardo and Senna hovering.

Maldonado posts 48.993 to go quickest as Massa goes quickest in S1. Moments later Hulkenberg goes third with a 49.362.

A 49.742 sees Schumacher go ninth however, he's demoted when Massa goes sixth with a 49.558.

A worrying moment for Grosjean at Pouhon as he runs wide on to the damp Astroturf.

As the clock counts down, Webber is still in the Red Bull garage and thirteenth.

A late charge sees Ricciardo go sixth as Rosberg fails to improve on eighteenth.

Quickest is Maldonado, ahead of Button, Hulkenberg, Alonso, Raikkonen, Ricciardo, Mass, Hamilton, Perez and Kobayashi.

We lose Rosberg, Kovalainen, Petrov, Glock, de la Rosa, Pic and Karthikeyan.

Replay shows Grosjean getting very unhappy as he almost trips up over Karthikeyan.

The lights have hardly changed from red to green when Perez bolts out of his garage. He is subsequently joined by Kobayashi and di Resta.

As Perez posts 48.880 the McLaren crew is working furiously on the rear wing on Button's car.

Di Resta posts 49.753 but this is instantly beaten by Kobayashi (49.494). All seventeen drivers are on track.

A 48.662 sees Webber go quickest as Hulkenberg goes fourth ahead of di Resta and Vergne.

Alonso posts a 48.598 to take the top spot as teammate Massa goes ninth, the two drivers in a clearly different class.

All drivers are on options except Grosjean who is running on the harder prime rubber.

A 48.414 sees Raikkonen go quickest ahead of Hamilton (48.563). As Schumacher goes ninth (49.670) all but Button and Senna have posted times.

That said, Button is on track and goes quickest in the first two sectors. He's quickest again in S3, the McLaren driver crossing the line at 47.654. Elsewhere, Senna almost loses it at Pouhon.

Still tenth, Vettel dives into the pits, leaving Button as the only man on track. Second placed Raikkonen is told that he won't be running again.

With 2:55 on the clock, Schumacher, di Resta, Massa, Vergne, Ricciardo, Maldonado and Senna comprise the danger zone.

Like Raikkonen, Button settles for what he's already done, and why shouldn't he?

PBs in the first two sectors for Kobayashi, the Sauber driver improving to fourth (48.569).

Massa can only manage ninth but is demoted when di Resta goes eighth, the Scot having gone quickest of all in S3.

Alonso goes quickest in S1 as Maldonado goes ninth overall. Perez, who goes quickest in S2, goes second overall, while Vettel is unable to improve on 48.792 and thereby misses the cut as does Schumacher.

Quickest was Button, ahead of Perez, Raikkonen, Webber, Hamilton, Kobayashi, Alonso, Grosjean, di Resta and Maldonado.

We lose Vettel, Hulkenberg, Schumacher, Massa, Vergne, Ricciardo and Senna.

Di Resta gets Q3 underway, with Raikkonen right up his exhaust. The Finn makes short work of the Scot on the run up to Les Combes, thereby giving himself some breathing space. The Lotus driver is a man on a mission.

Hamilton, Button and Maldonado are on track as di Resta returns to the pits.

Raikkonen posts 48.205 as Hamilton has a wobble in Rivage. However, a 47.686 sees Button go quickest. The Englishman has really found his form this afternoon.

A number of drivers, including Webber and Alonso, are clearly only going to come out for one lap. Indeed, following his wobble, Hamilton has returned to the pits.

With 3:20 on the clock the tyre warmers come off and Kobayashi and Maldonado lead the way. Soon all ten drivers are on track… Hamilton having to take avoiding action as he Perez slows at the pitlane exit.

Kobayashi goes quickest in S2 however, Button is quickest in S1.

The Japanese goes second with a 47.871 while Maldonado goes third (47.893).

Raikkonen fails to improve while Webber goes sixth. Button however, improves to a remarkable 47.573 to take his first pole position for McLaren.

Kobayashi takes second, ahead of Maldonado, Raikkonen, Perez, Alonso, Webber, Hamilton, Grosjean and di Resta.

A remarkable performance from Button and one that came from nowhere. Indeed, the 2009 champion only seemed to come alive in this session… when it mattered most.

So, Capt No Grip will start from pole tomorrow with Kobayashi, Maldonado, Raikkonen, Perez and Alonso keeping him company.

Read those names through a couple of times, think about some of the shenanigans we've seen here over the years, even in the dry, and try not salivating at the thought of tomorrow afternoon.

Check out our Saturday gallery, here.

Article from Pitpass (http://www.pitpass.com):

Published: 01/09/2012
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