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British media turns on Hamilton


Sections of the British media has hit out at Lewis Hamilton for showing a lack of respect during today's FIA press conference.

From the outset, the Briton appeared distracted as he played with his mobile phone, first taking pictures of himself and then the other drivers attending including Fernando Alonso, Pascal Wehrlein, Carlos Sainz and Jolyon Palmer. Kimi Raikkonen wasn’t interested.

Asked by a journalist what he was doing, the Briton replied: "Yeah, no, just... it's quite funny, just some snaps of us drivers, it's quite funny. That's about it.

"Hey man," he added, "we've been doing this a long, long time and it's the same each time so got to keep adding new things to it."

Indeed, using Snapchat, Hamilton was changing the voices of his fellow panellists as they spoke and using the app to make them look like rabbits and foxes, while telling his followers: "This s*** is killing me."

Turning his attention to Mercedes communications boss, Bradley Lord, Hamilton posted a picture of him alongside the words... "Bradley - could this interview be any more boring. I wonder if I will have time to go to B&Q on Monday, need a new sofa."

Just a week after leaping to the Briton's defence following his engine failure in Malaysia, and subsequently suggesting that there was a plot against him, the media was quick to turn on the world champion.

"Think the world champion could have ditched the phone and concentrated a little harder for the benefit of the huge Japanese audience," tweeted The Times Kevin Eason in reaction to Hamilton's antics.

"I agree," added The Sun's Ben Hunt, the FIA press conference format is static, but you can't defend this."

Hamilton subsequently took to Twitter himself.

"Today was meant to be fun, not at all disrespectful," he wrote. "Some people take themselves too seriously. I had a blast, highlight of my day! Re press conference, it's been the same for 10 years. It's not the media or mediator, it's the format. Fans should be asking the questions!!"

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1. Posted by FionaL, 07/10/2016 11:25

"I must admit that I usually sleep through these Press Conferences, even if I ask my husband what was said during them, he admits that he can't remember. Pointless! No new information or even any hint as to the character or personality of these drivers these days. They are so cocooned from real people that it's no wonder that occasionally a spark of life tries to escape!"

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2. Posted by Jonno, 07/10/2016 11:02

"Or supposed.


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3. Posted by Jonno, 07/10/2016 11:01

"@petes I wouldn't dream of picking someone up on their spelling - especially when they can't spell *especially*.

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4. Posted by Spindoctor, 07/10/2016 9:04

"Taking the mickey out of bunch of time-serving Journos asking the same dull questions they've been asking for 20 years is hardly disrespectful. I'd call it an essential adjunct to the tedium that is F1 today, where the biggest "stories" (for the Red Tops) concern the "personalities" of the "performers".
They shouldn't really complain when one of the drivers actually displays something other than the usual bored adherence to the Party Line...I'd be happier if he actually said something interesting, but as Teresa May will soon be saying "A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step"."

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5. Posted by Editor, 07/10/2016 7:00

"@ Redphyve

Indeed it's like critics, some believe they are more important than the music, film, book or play they are writing about.

One always thinks; 'if you believe you are so bloody good and know it all , why don't you act/sing etc"

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6. Posted by Redphyve, 07/10/2016 6:55

"Some journalists and commentators take themselves waaaay too seriously.


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7. Posted by petes, 07/10/2016 6:49

"Haha. Good one Chris....I see where you're coming from :-)"

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8. Posted by Editor, 07/10/2016 6:47

"@ Petes

Think ham, or cheese and pickle."

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9. Posted by petes, 07/10/2016 6:44

"@Jonno - you're on the wrong page mate.
If you're referring to Paolol he said 'role model'.
Bit different from a roll model (tho I haven't a clue what one of those is 'sposed to be.....)"

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10. Posted by Jonno, 06/10/2016 21:29

"What is this "roll model" crap? Kids futures are shaped by their parents - not footballers, racing drivers or train drivers. Jeez, I'm really sick and tired of this "think of the children" balls that gets dragged up whenever someone dares to behave outside of Twitter standards.

Surprise, surprise it was journalists who work for the Dirty Digger who did all the whining, who cares, their drivel is hidden behind a paywall, so they're just looking for the usual personal attacks on Lewis. I doubt if either get to meet Lewis outside of PR events.

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11. Posted by Castella, 06/10/2016 20:40

"It's true, he didn't mean to be just comes naturally."

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12. Posted by Trixi, 06/10/2016 18:55

"Definitely disrespectful,and poor language. He thinks his fanboys will love on him at press conference. I think the media is way too kind. The phones need to be off and maybe a more back and forth about the past race could be discussed. He truly is a joke."

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13. Posted by Paolo, 06/10/2016 17:59

"Lest we forget these are supposed to be the role models that shape our kids futures. Petulance and lack of respect have become common place in Mr Hamilton's reality TV world. I am not surprised his father has distanced himself from what he has become. Supremely talented Yes. Suitable role model a resounding NO
At the extreme the press conference is 30minutes out of your life 21 times a year suck it up or leave and move in with the Kardashians "

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14. Posted by mickl, 06/10/2016 17:02

"and the first journalist at the events to ask a driver what he hopes to achieve in the race or words to that effect should be taken out and shot like a lame horse. "

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15. Posted by mickl, 06/10/2016 16:59

"Never mind glean any information....who actually remembers the press conference 30mins after it's happened............."

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