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Vandoorne a good fit for Toro Rosso, suggests Brown


Ever the marketing man, welcoming the media to McLaren's Woking HQ to meet its newly-announced 2019 driver Lando Norris, Zak Brown suggested that out-going driver Stoffel Vandoorne would make a good fit for rivals Toro Rosso.

Currently, the youngster doesn't appear to have any options in F1, even though his manager Alessandro Alunni Bravi - who also looks after the interests of Robert Kubica - recently took a place on the board at Sauber.

Asked if he might contact rival teams on Vandoorne's behalf, Brown said: "I already have, and anything we can do to help Stoffel, we would help him in a heartbeat.

"We consider him family," he continued, "he's been outstanding to work with, hopefully he lands in Formula One, that's where I think he deserves to be.

"We have some other racing activities that you guys know we are reviewing," he added, referring to the IndyCar programme which could get underway as early as next year, "and I wouldn't hesitate to keep Stoffel in the McLaren family if there was a seat available and he had a desire to race in it."

Asked if this hinted at a possible Alonso/Vandoorne line-up in IndyCar, he laughed and replied: "Highly unlikely.

"I definitely think he's a Formula One calibre driver and if I was Toro Rosso, who appear to have two open seats, I'd put Stoffel in in a heartbeat," he said, without a hint of irony, at a time he is attempting to secure the services of the Faenza outfit's technical director, James Key.

"I think we've had a very poor race car for two years," admitted the American. "Someone like Fernando can adapt quicker, he's got so much experience.

"Stoffel was very close to Fernando, a lot closer than some other teammates as Fernando has commented. Stoffel is an outstanding race car driver. Ultimately we look to the future and feel Lando's a future star. I think in a different environment Stoffel may excel more, and with a better race car."


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1. Posted by FQITW, 05/09/2018 18:54

"Ocon would be a better fit for a year to allow him to keep his hand in.

Yes I know it won't happen."

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2. Posted by Mugmug, 05/09/2018 12:16

"McLaren would not be on it's death bed if Ron Dennis was still running the show. I don't understand the current principals' reasoning. If a CEO or the leadership of a Co. is underperforming what happens in the corporate world? The Axe!! I can understand a year or two of "adjustment" but McLaren are a joke and everyone knows unless a "house cleaning" commences, they will be no more shortly. The same holds true with Williams. Corporate sponsors aren't stupid. They investigate how a company is run and, in the case of McLaren and Williams they don't see value for their money. Why sponsor a loser? By the way, I am/was a fan of both teams. "

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3. Posted by Motorsport-fan, 05/09/2018 9:04

"From what i have read, Mclaren had to take up an option on Norris this month or lose him, possibly Mclaren money to put Vandoorne in at Torro Rosso to help ease the way for James Key? really good game of musical chairs this silly season."

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4. Posted by imejl99, 05/09/2018 8:28

"Ditching talented kid for entitled talented kid. To be fair, I am not a priori against kids from wealth background, most F1 drivers need to be, but when it feels entitled it feels wrong. And it has nothing to do with Norris, just boosts the feel of McLaren demise into pay-driver-no-sponsor-struggling-team. Honestly hope I am wrong."

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5. Posted by george, 05/09/2018 5:53

"Without shame. Kicking a driver out, then telling other teams he is great. And another jibe at Toro Rosso, simply saying just good enough for you but not for us.
Having said that, Vandoorne isn 't good enough for F1, no aggression, no killer instinct. "

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6. Posted by ClarkwasGod, 04/09/2018 19:44

"Now that his future is decided, at least some pressure is off him - maybe we'll see some improvement in form?

@ Peter Rickett - well they've signed up Pat Fry, starting immediately. Could the combination of him, de Ferran and (eventually) Key mean Brown's position is redundant?"

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7. Posted by BillH, 04/09/2018 19:02

"Odd way to treat "family".

If Vandoorne is sooooo great, according to Brown, then why not keep him as a driver?

I suspect that Vandoorne's confidence has taken such a knock (kicking) that he's spiralled down and is struggling to get back up, which happens from time to time in life.

The trouble is, that being such a public, results orientated sport / business, there isn't really time to support someone for too long to get back to their best.

That being said, Hyundai did a pretty good job of Neuville and Haas and Gojean have been getting things sorted. Hopefully McLaren have tried all at their disposal to help their driver too. Or, is this something that is left to the driver and their own support team?

As an F1 fan I was looking forward to Vandoorne, as F2 champ doing well. Hopefully he gets another shot at another team."

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8. Posted by Peter Rickitt, 04/09/2018 17:03

"What a mouthy hypocrite - see my previous posts: sack Zak and bring in a quiet achiever."

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