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Ron Dennis behind free meals scheme


As McLaren puts the majority of its workforce on furlough - thereby allowing the British taxpayer to pick up the tab - former boss, Ron Dennis has been revealed as the driving force behind a scheme to provide one million free meals to NHS workers during the coronavirus crisis.

Dennis reveals that he was alerted to the problems facing NHS workers by his daughter Charlotte, who is an anaesthetist at an intensive care unit.

"Charlotte came to me with a very human and personal problem, and the foundation wants to take care of it," he tells the Telegraph. "That's what it's all about.

"She said the problem is that there are quantities of medical staff in a specific section who have to stay in their clinical areas due to cross-contamination, keeping them away from eating areas. By the time the food gets to them it'll be cold.

"This is a time when all of us, individuals and businesses alike, need to stand up and be counted in the effort to combat Covid-19," added the Briton, who has co-founded the initiative.

"We're all in this together," he continued. "I am delighted to be leading this initiative to help ensure that vital NHS workers have nutritious meals while they work every hour in this fight. It means they have one less thing to worry about.

"We have called this because I think we are all in awe of the work they are doing to save lives," added Dennis, who has donated £1m to the initiative through Dream Chasing Foundation and has personally pledged a further £500,000.

"It is our joint aim to prioritise the well-being of our NHS workforce in their mission to give the very best care to patients and victory over Covid-19," said Ellie Orton, chief executive of NHS Charities Together.

"We thank them for this highly dedicated and organised solution and we particularly love the thank-you notes in each food pack demonstrating to NHS staff how grateful we all are." is calling for supporters to donate or make a contribution by calling its dedicated hotline (0800 497 0797) or visiting the campaign's Just Giving page.

Well done that man.


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1. Posted by Editor, 08/04/2020 11:54 (moderated by an Adminstrator, 08/04/2020 12:00)

"Ignoring how things ended at McLaren, and the Honda ‘re-marriage’ aside, Ron was pretty much stabbed in the back… the fact is that about 20 years or so ago, he was recognised by a leading business magazine as one of the best business leaders in the world.

Whatever one might think of the NHS, the construction of the ‘Nightingale’ hospital in London in just two weeks showed how things work when ‘outsiders’ are in charge.

At a time like this, we should be seeking the help of proven leaders like Ron, rather than the endless layers of public sector (mis)management and middle (mis)management that seem to spend all their time in meetings discussing diversity and the like rather than actually getting things done.

That is my personal 2 cents."

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2. Posted by Spindoctor, 08/04/2020 11:46

"Well done indeed.
I'm spreading this as far as I c an too."

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3. Posted by Anthony, 06/04/2020 19:17

"I have forwarded the link to lots of people who I hope will join me in supporting this great initiative by Ron."

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4. Posted by Rock Doc, 06/04/2020 18:22

"Ron always was a man for the moment and he proves it yet again.

Thank you Ron"

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5. Posted by Wokingchap, 06/04/2020 11:55

"As the others said, WELL DONE RON..... another Woking chap....brilliant, we need more people like you right now."

Rating: Positive (2)     Rate comment: Positive | NegativeReport this comment

6. Posted by BillH, 06/04/2020 2:50

"Very good. Well done indeed.

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7. Posted by Italian Job, 05/04/2020 22:42 (moderated by an Adminstrator, 08/04/2020 12:00)

"As you say "Well done that man" and for his daughter as well!"

Rating: Positive (5)     Rate comment: Positive | NegativeReport this comment

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