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Vettel slams reverse grid proposal


Ever the purist, Sebastian Vettel argues the a move towards things like reverse grids is "testimony" that the sport has failed.

Surprisingly, in his latest PR piece for the official F1 website, Ross Brawn doesn't seize on any of the events that conspired to make the Tuscan Grand Prix another afternoon of marvellous motorsport mayhem as inspiration for the sport moving forwards, unlike his suggestion, post-Monza, that reverse grids are the way to go.

One can only hope that the outcry from drivers, team bosses and Ross's favourite - the fans - have caused the F1 MD to think again.

However, just in case the poacher turned gamekeeper hasn't got the message, four-time world champion, Sebastian Vettel, shared his thoughts.

"I think it's completely wrong," said the German. "Obviously, it's a testimony that if you are pushing in that direction, it is a testimony that you have failed to come up with regulations and tools that bring the field more together and make racing better on-track.

"As a reminder, we had new front wing regulations which cost everybody a fortune," he continued, "but ultimately haven't changed much in terms of racing.

"I think it would be wrong," he insisted. "The hopes are on 2022, I guess, for the regulation changes, but I think we need to fix that and address the main points rather than try to play the lottery.

"As a competitor, I think as much as I don't like other people to win, I have to accept if other people win or do a better job. Therefore I think it would be wrong in the name of sport to try and mix things up that way."


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1. Posted by Jezzer, 18/09/2020 16:20

"F1 is definitely broken and the ‘22 rules ain’t gonna fix it. "

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2. Posted by kenji, 18/09/2020 2:31

"Given that the fastest cars on the planet start from the front row will always, sans breakdowns, give the very same result. Yes, randomness is forever with us but once again check the record. Same goes for the PU 'convergence theory'! Once again check the record. Whilst there is no direct comparison let me say that I raced half ton yachts in short to medium offshore races for many many years. We raced according to an effective handicap system and we were for the greatest part of the season 'scratch boat'. That made us work harder than ever to achieve the result in a sport that has a greater element of randomness than hardly any other. Considering what is being proposed I am at a loss to understand why so many people are averse to trying this...maybe people are letting their driver/team bias get in the way of rational thought. You will never know unless you give it a go. Only then can you make any realistic decisions."

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3. Posted by Great_white_shark, 17/09/2020 22:15

"That is like asking Liverpool to start the game 2 goals down because they are too good for the "not-so-good" teams. Did we ask Usain Bolt to start 10 meters behind because he was winning more often than not? Spec series already exist, leave f1 alone. It's already been massacred enough with the 2022 regulations with little room for innovation. It will almost be a spec series. Dont make it worse please"

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4. Posted by BillH, 17/09/2020 20:12

"The reason the fastest cars are supposed to be at the pointy end of the grid is for safety first.

Mixed up grids do give us an interesting spectical however that is generally only until the first round of pit stops.

The faster F1 cars then catch back up and in Merc's case, smash the midfield.

I'm no physicist / aero specialist but perhaps F1 needs to look at F3 and F2 and adopt some of the characteristics of the cars such as tunnels and ground effect so that the over the car aero isn't such a big factor?

Something like making sure all compounds of tyres are used in a race could also help, thereby ensuring two stops.

I find it weird that the teams take all those tyres, run round on the softs and mediums all weekend then go into the race and put on the hards!

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5. Posted by Barslug, 17/09/2020 19:31

"If they want to spice up the racing, add more power to the point that aero isn’t nearly as much of a factor. I’m tired of the lift and coast, getting a tow, looking after the tires racing. Uncork those power units and see what they can really do! "

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6. Posted by Burton, 17/09/2020 18:25

"But F1 has failed already, Seb. Aerodynamic disturbance was already complained about in the late 90s and little was done. DRS is an absolute joke, as are some of the circuits F1 goes to, sprint races to decide qualifying isn't that much worse."

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7. Posted by Steve W, 17/09/2020 15:57

"Here's an idea! Do away with qualifying completely and have a drawing for starting positions. Make a show of it. Have dancing girls with twirling titties spinning great big lottery wheels. Exciting! A show!

Oh, wait... That will surely offend someone out there too...

I like F1 for the way it is. A test for the best. A test to try and be the best. If someone doesn't like the way races turn out, then look for something else to watch. Maybe something like figure-8 racing or demolition derby... "

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8. Posted by kenji, 17/09/2020 14:11

"This idea is not going to go away it seems. Personally i see no reason why it can't be trialled and then analysed to see if it has legs. Yes, i am pig sick at the endless monotony of watching Mercs. 1 & 2, simply vanish off into the distance without any real challenges emerging, most times. Why has this been happening? Well every one knows that when you employ 2000 people in one of the best engineering set ups in the car making world and spend upwards of half a billion dollars on basically putting two cars on the grid success is pretty much ensured. To top this off let these cars start from the front row and what do you expect? That is hardly the epitome of 'sporting' now is it. George Russell says that they [ Williams drivers ] would look silly getting swallowed up! Well that happens now, even worse when they are lapped. A very silly comment by Russell. Lets try a couple of races and see if Hamilton et al are really the F1 titans that they are claimed to be. As i said before, if Wolff is against it then it must have merit and he's just running from the possibility of a serious challenge to his hegemony."

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