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Hamilton talks of his battle with depression


Lewis Hamilton has become the latest driver to reveal his battle with mental health as he talks of depression and bullying.

A number of drivers, most notably Lando Norris and George Russell, have previously talked of their struggles, even though, from the outside, it would appear they are living the dream.

Talking to The Times, Hamilton reveals that he was bullied at school and in later years has battled with depression.

"I think it was the pressure of the racing and struggling at school, the bullying. I had no one to talk to," says the seven-time world champion.

"I've struggled with mental health through my life, depression from a very early age when I was, like, 13, when I was in my twenties I had some really difficult phases," he adds.

Revealing that in his efforts to win the battle he has tried silent retreats, Hamilton also admits that while his previous experience of therapy didn't appear to help he might consider trying again in the future.

"I spoke to one woman, years ago, but that wasn't really helpful," he says. "I would like to find someone today."

If nothing else, the Mercedes star feels he is more mature now than at the start of his career.

"You're learning about things that have been passed down to you from your parents, noticing those patterns, how you react to things, how you can change those," he says. "So what might have angered me in the past doesn't anger me today. I am so much more refined."

The Briton also reveals that during the pandemic he began a routine which he believes has really helped, waking up at 5 am to meditate and then heading out for a run.

"It's a really great way of getting in touch with myself, my inner feelings, understanding what I can do," he says.


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1. Posted by Ricardo_sanchez, 5 minutes ago

"@editor - very eloquently put. Thank you for being so open about something so personal. It definitely helps others to hear that what they’re going through is not so unusual and that it can be overcome.

And thanks for giving us this site on which we get to share our thoughts, disagree with one another, agree with one another and sometimes even make one another laugh. We are very lucky to have the site and this community. "

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2. Posted by Editor, 37 minutes ago

"In all honesty, it is like when people are suspicious of celebrities linking up with charities and causes. The fact is that celebrities draw attention and will help bring much needed publicity.

Over the course of my life I have been through various times when I have suffered depression, not least when one of my parents committed suicide.

A few years back I went through a very, very bad period and I can honestly say that it was only Pitpass and my cats that got me through it.

I had always been the type not to talk about such things, but told that I had 'crossed a line' and was therefore in danger, I sought counselling.

Just talking about things, knowing you're not the only one, indeed hearing of others who are worse off, helps enormously. The fact that I am here typing this is proof of that.

Looking at multi-millionaire sportsman who appear to have the world at their feet it is easy to scoff, but they too will have their dark times, be it self-doubt, the potential end of your career - as Daniel will be facing right now - the hangers on that surround you and the inability to lead a 'normal' life.

One thing I will say is that I pity youngsters today. My youth was spent having fun, going to gigs - the Marquee Club a couple of nights a week - girls and all the rest of it. The various pressures on kids today is enormous and appears to come from all directions.

There is currently an ad on TV about suicide, the basic message being: "Stop the silence". This not only means talking... but listening.

Rest assured, the seemingly happiest people on the outside are probably putting on an act to hide the nightmare within. I talk from experience."

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3. Posted by JamesD, 2 hours ago

"@kenji - whether you like Lewis or not, I have no issues with him talking about depression. Having personally suffered for years with depression in silence, it's various friends and others I have seen talk about it that finally encouraged me to go and seek help.

Fortunately, I'm not on any medication and talking - when I need to - about the funk I can be in helps and makes life a little easier. As humans we don't talk about depression enough and us guys are the worst at it, so I wouldn't criticise or discourage anyone to talk about the state of their mental health."

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4. Posted by kenji, 2 hours ago

"Is there no end to this ........."

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