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Revised qualifying format to be trialled next season


F1 is to trial a revised qualifying format next season in which the use of all three tyre compounds will be mandatory.

As F1 bosses continue to tinker with the rules, it is understood that the format, which will be trialled at a two races next season - though not at those where the Sprint format is to be used - will see the current tyre rules 'tweaked'.

This year, in a move which has so far proved to be popular, the rule whereby the top ten qualifiers had to start on the same tyres used for their fastest lap in Q2, was scrapped, meaning a free choice on race day - one of the positive moves to come out of the Sprint format.

However, the format that is to be trialled next year will see drivers only allowed to use the hard compound in Q1, the medium in Q2 and the softs in Q3.

The format is sure to raise many questions, not least the ability to get the hards, and in some cases the mediums, up to the required temperature in the time available.

Furthermore, the whole concept of qualifying, whereby drivers push from the outset, not to mention strategy, would go out the window.

Following Tuesday's meeting of the F1 Commission, it was revealed that at two events next season there would be a trial aimed at reducing the tyre allocation from 13 sets to 11.

This would be done to evaluate the impact of the reduction in tyre allocation on track-running, with the overall intention to move to more sustainable use of tyres in the future.

The intention is to reduce the number of sets of softs available from the current 8 to 4, while four sets of mediums would be available instead of the current three, and the number of hards increased from two to three.


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1. Posted by Spindoctor, 04/05/2022 16:19

"Have these people ever seen a Formula1 race, or indeed any kind of competitive Motorsport?
Since I can't remember when F1 has been lumbered with tyres designed to wear-out\lose grip\overheat\all of the above on a largely arbitrary basis. Cars which work well on "Softs" at Circuit "A" can't get out of 2nd gear at Circuit "B" vice-versa & so-on.

MotoGP has a similar one tyre-maker setup, but the ludicrous variability of tyre performance seen in F1 isn't an issue. Different bikes use their tyres differently, some pilots conserve the tyres better than others, but you never see MotoGP bikes regularly pooting around at 8/10ths just to "conserve tyres". MotoGP tyres are designed to last for a full race at full-chat and not to degrade in order to "improve the spectacle" as is the case in F1......


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2. Posted by Endre, 02/05/2022 21:01

"@Egalitarian in that case Kimi might return and win them all :)"

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3. Posted by LiamIII, 02/05/2022 20:12

"Everyone starts on Hards. Make it to the end? Up to you, good luck boys. "

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4. Posted by Burton, 02/05/2022 12:52

"Teams won't make the most of extra sets of softs anyway because they will all still drive around as slowly as possible to make all races a 1-stop."

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5. Posted by Max Noble, 02/05/2022 10:39

"@Egalitarian - Laughing heartily! Great idea to prove road relevance and spice up the show!"

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6. Posted by Max Noble, 02/05/2022 10:38

"@TokyoAussie - spot on. Exact summary of what we are about to witness. Lord Above! Let’s move directly to a one make series based on the Subaru WRX STi with a $25,000 cost cap on modifications, and the cheapest Bridgestone tyres at Tyre Mart that week as the “standard” tyre… Good grief… Yup right now my guitar gently weeps…"

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7. Posted by ian_w, 02/05/2022 4:43

"For 2024, F1 is expected to announce yet another change to the qualifying format, assuming they can get a premier sponsor for it.

Q1 will be in the dry, Q2 will have conditions varying from damp to full wet, and Q3 will be on drying conditions. Actual intermediate or dull wets will only be offered I'm the event of actual rain. It was Bernie's idea.

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8. Posted by TokyoAussie, 02/05/2022 4:28

"As soon as I saw the headline, even before reading the article, my response was "Oh, God."

Now that I have read the article, my response is more a case of OMFG. Slower cars often use the softs in Q1 to give them a fighting chance to get into Q2. Why on earth remove that possibility? Sometimes it works, forcing teams further up the food chain to use softs to cover themselves. Sometimes the fast cars use hards only to find out that wasn't good enough and get knocked out.

Forcing 3 compounds, only 1 compound per session, will remove almost all unpredictability from the sessions. Who in their right mind would do that?

It's bonkers."

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9. Posted by Egalitarian, 02/05/2022 0:31

"Remember when F1 used to be relevant and innovations wold be passed down to road cars. Well, perhaps it's time to reconsider that. But this time, try and educate the public. Have qualifying over three days. 1st session, everyone has four glasses of wine an hour beforehand.
the next day, crystal meth.
Day three sober (possibly).
The public could properly learn how even the best drivers can be compromised by substance abuse.
I'm not convinced that my suggestion is any more ridiculous than what is being proposed here."

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10. Posted by SF 158, 01/05/2022 22:44

"How many times over the years has F1 subjected us to change for no reason whatsoever other than it's change, it's different? And every time it's not improved the racing, the sport or teams' budgets.

Of course F1 is not alone in that. Sports cars have, by now, long raced to BoP standards where, if you're successful, you get penalized(!) with a new BoP.

IndyCar may not be F1, but at least you can watch it race by race without wondering what new regulations, 'track limits,' and 'race direction' will be concocted this time around."

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11. Posted by Tardis40, 01/05/2022 17:39


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12. Posted by Superbird70, 01/05/2022 13:35

"In addition to the excellant suggestions below, I would suggest that hard and soft compounds be the same compounds for all circuits. Leftovers from one race can be used for the next. That's if we are talking waste reduction and sustainability."

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13. Posted by Max Noble, 01/05/2022 8:54

"And next pogo sticks for pit crew, and compulsory Karaoke segments by all drivers within 10 laps of the finish.
Overly prescriptive, when allowing free choice, as noted by Simon of ADL, and Kenji, would generate far more variation…!


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14. Posted by kenji, 01/05/2022 4:33

"@Simon...excellent suggestion however if any changes need to be made [?] then simplicity should be order of the day. Two tyres, hard and soft and then let the teams make their own choices with no compulsory restraints. Finally they should allow multiple suppliers as then we would see some welcome competition."

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15. Posted by Simon in Adelaide, 01/05/2022 2:05

"If they want to use up the hard tyres then do away with the compulsory pit stop "

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